The Yamal ex-militiaman has received term for illegal installation of traffic signs

The former assistant to the main inspector of safety of traffic OVD on the city of Muravlenko Alexey Zaev is sentenced by a court sentence to 2 years of imprisonment conditionally with a trial period 2 years. The militiaman for increase of statistics has illegally disposed to establish traffic signs, has informed the senior assistant to chief of the department SKP the Russian Federation on JANAO on communications with mass-media Larissa Eropkina.

The sentence has not entered validity.

By consequence and court it is established that the major of militia Alexey Zaev in September, 2008, exceeding the powers of office, wishing to raise statistics on revealing of administrative offences, operating in infringement of an order of the coordination and installation of traffic signs, has brought the obligatory instruction for execution with the requirement about performance of works on installation of traffic signs on a highway «Surgut — Salekhard».

Therefore, in action of wrongfully established traffic signs with 9/12/2008 in the 9/17/2008 inspectors of traffic police had been wrongfully made reports on an administrative offence concerning 21 drivers, from them 11 drivers are involved in administrative responsibility and inflicted to punishment in the form of deprivation of the right of management by a vehicle for a period of 4 months.

Besides, as a result of expenses for installation and dismantle of traffic signs to the enterprise carrying out the illegal instruction, actions of Zaeva cause a damage to the sum 34 653 roubles.

After the given criminal case has been directed to court the assistant to the main inspector of safety of traffic ОВД on the city of Muravlenko Alexey Zaev from militia bodies has been dismissed.

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