The director z-for which irresponsibility is condemned 2 persons were lost

The director of Open Company "Ermak-1" Nikolay Ryzhkov is condemned by a sentence of Purovsky district court of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, inform in the press-service of Office of Public Prosecutor JANAO,

It is established that in 2006 between administration of municipal union the settlement Urengoj and Open Company "Ermak-1" is concluded the lease contract of municipal property — parts of a building of the covered market of manufactured goods in which in the subsequent the shop «Goods of daily demand» which intended for realization of the industrial goods by individual businessmen has been opened.

According to requirements of the Federal law «About fire safety» Ryzhkov, being the head of the organization, was the person responsible for maintenance of fire safety.

In July, 2008 the territorial department of the state fire supervision of Open Company "Ermak-1" had been gave out the instruction about elimination of infringements of fire prevention rules. However Ryzhkov of necessary measures on elimination of the revealed infringements hasn't accepted, replacement of connections of veins of electric wires hasn't carried out, therefore an electric equipment was maintained in emergency operation.

On March, 24th, 2010 in shop in electroinstallation there was, and further an ignition of wooden designs of a trading place and the goods. As a result of a fire two sellers have died from the received burns in branch of official body of public health services «Salekhard district hospital», the market building has been destroyed by fire, the material damage has been caused businessmen.

Ryzhkov it is recognized by guilty as regards 3 articles 219 of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation (the infringement of fire prevention rules made by the person on which the duty on their observance if it has entailed death of two persons on imprudence lay). To it punishment in the form of imprisonment for the term of 3 years conditionally with a trial period 3 years is appointed, also it is deprived the right to occupy the state and municipal posts connected with organizational-administrative powers for a period of 1 year of 6 months.

In October, 2010 Ryzhkov has been selected by the deputy of regional thought МО Purovsky area of the fourth convocation. According to item 40 of the Federal law «About the general principles of the organization of local government in the Russian Federation» powers of the deputy, a member of elective local government, stop ahead of schedule in case of the introduction concerning it in validity of a verdict of guilty of court.

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