Two persons were lost at a fire in settlement on Yamal

Two persons were lost, 16 have suffered at a fire in settlement of the SOU 934 which are in 10 km. From Nadym Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.

Ignition has occurred on March, 21st in the wooden two-storeyed house in the size 12×60 the m, adapted under a vein. The building belongs to "Jamalgazpromstrojservis". Because of bankruptcy of the proprietor the building was leased to other enterprise.

Officially in the house it is registered 1 living, actually lived 43. Arrived in 9 minutes after reception of a call fire-fighting crews have found out the house captured by a flame: with open fire 700 sq.m. of a roof, 60 sq.m. of territory of the second floor burnt.

On March, 22nd at 03.14 the fire managed to be localised. As a result of a fire the building is completely destroyed by fire, as the reason of that the message on a fire on phone «01» has served later. At a fire of 17 persons were evacuated independently. As a result of a fire 16 persons have suffered, from them 7 are hospitalised in реанимационное branch, 2 persons were lost.

At the moment employees of the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia continue analysis of designs of the burnt down building. On a scene 156 persons, 20 units of technics, from them from the Ministry of Emergency Measures of Russia work: 115 persons of staff, 9 units of rescue technics. The cause of the fire is established.

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