In New Urengoe the warehouse of shopping centre burnt, victims are not present

In New Urengoe the shopping centre warehouse burnt. The day before at 12 o'clock 57 minutes in fire protection the call that the fire in a two-storeyed building of a warehouse of shopping centre "Eurasia" has begun has arrived, the press-service of Ministry of Emergency Measures JANAO informs.

The first fire-fighting crews have arrived to a call place in a few minutes. At the moment of a fire the warehouse was not maintained. There there was a repair. In half an hour fire managed to be localised. In an hour to liquidate. Nobody has suffered. 35 persons of staff have been involved in fire extinguishing and 12 units of special technics. Fire damages the second floor of a building on a total area of 324 sq. metres. The cause of the fire and a damage are established.

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