In settlement Urengoj (Purovsky area) the market building burnt.

About 14 hours of 10 minutes per settlement Urengoj there was a fire in a two-storeyed building of the covered market, the sizes 30Х30. A building of 1967 of construction. At 14 o'clock 24 minutes to a call place have arrived the first division PCH of settlement Urengoj. At the moment of arrival open burning of a building on the area of 200 square metres was observed. Firemen have immediately started rescue of people and fire extinguishing.

At 15 o'clock 00 minutes a building already burnt on all area, there was a roof collapse. For this moment from a building 37 persons have been evacuated.

Let's notice that in fifteen metres from a burning building of the market there is a kindergarten "Snowflake". Children who are at the moment of a fire in a kindergarten, and it is 99 persons, have been evacuated.

As a result of a fire 3 persons (sellers of the market) are hospitalised. From them two women who, according to physicians are in a grave condition, and one man — a moderate severity level condition. All three victims are delivered in branch hospitals.

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