Yamal the habitation and health interest
More than 2 thousand references from inhabitants of Yamal have arrived in 2009 to deputies of Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.
The first place in structure of references questions of maintenance with habitation — 36 % have occupied, public health services questions — 11, 9 %, legislation explanations — 11, 7 %, questions of social support — 11, 2 %, work questions — 10 %.
As the press-service of the head of Yamal, among the references connected with problems of maintenance by habitation informs, 57 % make questions of granting of a floor space and improvement of living conditions in autonomous region, 13, 3 % — maintenance with habitation outside of autonomous region, 11, 9 % — operation and available housing repair.
On public health services of 73 % of references 13, 5 % — to problems of medicinal maintenance, 8, 3 % — the organisations of work of establishments of public health services are devoted questions of quality of rendering of medical aid.
The first place in structure of references questions of maintenance with habitation — 36 % have occupied, public health services questions — 11, 9 %, legislation explanations — 11, 7 %, questions of social support — 11, 2 %, work questions — 10 %.
As the press-service of the head of Yamal, among the references connected with problems of maintenance by habitation informs, 57 % make questions of granting of a floor space and improvement of living conditions in autonomous region, 13, 3 % — maintenance with habitation outside of autonomous region, 11, 9 % — operation and available housing repair.
On public health services of 73 % of references 13, 5 % — to problems of medicinal maintenance, 8, 3 % — the organisations of work of establishments of public health services are devoted questions of quality of rendering of medical aid.
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