Pulse of city problems

For 2009г. In the City administration 958 references have arrived, from them 534 written, 424 persons are accepted on personal reception by the head of administration of a city and its assistants. In comparison with 2008 the quantity of references has increased on 141. Over the last 10 years is the highest indicator.
The analysis of the qualitative maintenance of references over the last 10 years remains without changes. The majority of the arrived questions concern housing sphere — 43 %. On the second place — the housing-and-municipal block. With municipal problems — every fourth reference every tenth is connected with registration questions. The quantity of references by a habitation recognition shabby and to resettlement from such habitation, and also the questions connected with payment for housing-and-municipal services has increased, especially it concerns questions of illumination of places of the general using. Eighteen references has arrived on granting of places in kindergartens.
From all arrived references every fifth is positively considered, on the rests explanations are made. Percent of positively considered references which have arrived on "Straight line", it is considerable above — without small 70 %. On City administration "Straight line" last year 295 persons have addressed. Ninety percent of these references concerns housing and communal services. 9 references have arrived concerning untimely payment of the wages, the given references have been considered at sessions of an anti-recessionary staff.
135 references have arrived in the City administration from higher bodies: the device of the President, the Governor, profile departments of autonomous region, deputies of various level, and also party receptions. 18 references have arrived by e-mail.
One of indicators of work with references of citizens — consideration terms. Till 10 days every second reference, till 20 days — every fourth, with prolongation of terms — 3 % of references is considered.
The qualitative analysis of references of citizens, as a matter of fact, is pulse of city problems. Characteristic individual references become a point of issue at working meetings in the City administration and directly influence both the information policy of local authorities, and on acceptance of administrative decisions. Frequently references become information occasions to journalists of local mass-media and on the contrary, the problem questions lifted in mass-media, become occasions to trials at level of the head of administration and its assistants.
For the purpose of improvement of knowledge of townspeople about local authorities activity work of two Internet points with exit possibility on the City administration site is organised, one of them is located in the central library to the address Dzerzhinsky 45, another — in an old building of Administration about Gagarin's 29 street, an office №112. In Internet points it is possible not only to get acquainted with the information on local authorities activity, but also by means of the Internet reception to send the reference in the City administration, or inquiry about granting of the interesting information.
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