30 peoples have phoned to Dmitry Kobylkina

The circle of questions and the requests addressed to the head of region, basically, concerned housing problem. In particular, themes of building of individual habitation and maintenance with administrations of municipalities of the allocated ground areas with a necessary infrastructure, resettlements of citizens from shabby and emergency habitation, resettlement of northerners from regions of the Far North in territories more favorable for residing, and also program work on maintenance with habitation of young families rose. The head of region in detail understood each situation and on a place gave commissions to the assistants and representatives of departments of autonomous region.

After the termination of a straight line governor JANAO has declared that such actions will be spent regularly. According to Dmitry Kobylkina, it gives the chance to learn firsthand the most essential problems which excite today ямальцев. The governor also has noticed that Internet blog start that becomes an additional source of direct dialogue with peoples is shortly planned.

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