The new head of Yamal named priorities

Today the first working day of the new Yamal governor. For the first time from the beginning of the ninetieth years of the last century in district the chief executive was replaced. And solemn ceremony of inauguration Dmitry Kobylkina has the day before taken place.

«I will be engaged first of all in priority national projects, – the new head of district has noted. – there is a desire closely to be engaged in shabby and emergency habitation because there are questions which any more do not suffer delays. As priority directions - the project« Ural Mountains industrial – Ural Mountains Polar »and peninsula Yamal development».

Already the former governor of district Jury Neyelov will represent ямальцев in the Federation Council of Russia. About it Dmitry Kobylkin has already signed the decision, and the Legislative Assembly of autonomous region has agreed with appointment, transfers

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