Jury Neyelov became the senator

Jury Neyelov became the senator
Yesterday in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation the ex-governor of Yamal Jury Neyelov has been allocated by powers of the senator from autonomous region administration.

"Within the limits of plenary session powers of the councillor of Federation Jury Neyelov, the representative in chamber from an executive office of the government of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region are confirmed. Powers of the councillor of Federation from Yamal Vladimir Spitsnadelja" are simultaneously stopped, — have informed NewsProm.Ru in the press-service of Council of Federation.

Let's remind, on March, 16th head JANAO Dmitry Kobylkin the decision has appointed the representative in the Federation Council of Federal Meeting of the Russian Federation from administration of district of Jury Neyelov. The autonomous region Legislative Assembly has considered and has approved the decision of the head of region.

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