Neyelov have invited to work at once in two chambers of parliament

The ex-governor of Yamal Jury Neyelov should choose in the near future in what of chambers of federal parliament it will work the next years. On March, 24th, 2010 the Central Electoral Commission of the Russian Federation has made the decision on transfer to it of the mandate of the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of Natalia Komarovoj appointed recently head Jugry, informs "Uralinformbjuro".

On March, 16th new governor JANAO Dmitry Kobylkin has signed the decision about appointment of the successor as the councillor of Federation of the Russian Federation. Federal senators still officially have not accepted the beginner in the numbers. Therefore the legislation gives J.Neelovu possibility or to agree with offer CIKa, or to refuse it and to become the representative of district in the Federation Council.

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