Dmitry Medvedev has brought Dmitry Kobylkina's nominee for investment with its powers of governor JANAO

Dmitry Medvedev has brought Dmitry Kobylkina's nominee for investment with its powers of governor JANAO
The president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev has brought Dmitry Kobylkina's nominee for investment with its powers of the governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region — on it informs a press-cluzhba of the head of the state.

In the message it is told: "According to article 18 of the Federal law from October, 6th 1999г. №184-FZ «About the general principles of the organisation legislative (representative) and executive powers of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation »and article 261 of the Federal law from July, 11th 2001г. №95-FZ «About political parties »the President has submitted for consideration Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Dmitry Nikolaevicha Kobylkina's nominee for investment with its powers of the governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region".

Let's remind that in December, 2009 "United Russia" has offered the president of Russia on a post of the head of Yamal four nominees.

The list пртендентов included operating governor Jury Neyelov, vice-governor JANAO Victor Kazarin, the head of Purovsky area Dmitry Kobylkin and the general director of Open Company "Gazpromkomplektaciya" Igor Fedorov.

Past week Jury Neyelov took rejection. «On February, 12th
16 years were executed exactly as I supervise over district. It more than three terms, — was noted by the head of Yamal. — the president of Russia has made the basic decision on updating of the governor's case that more than three terms governors did not supervise over regions. Therefore I have made the basic decision and have addressed to the president of the Russian Federation that it did not consider my nominee for the fourth term ».

«I consider that my decision true. Time which I have fulfilled as the governor, solid. I hope that the governor will be the one who will keep continuity. On Yamal much is made, turned out, I think that the new head of region will continue begun», — he has underlined.

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