On third of March Yamal will find the new governor

On third of March Yamal will find the new governor
March, third, 2010 will pass an emergency meeting of Legislative Assembly of Yamal on which deputies will allocate with governor's powers the head of Purovsky area of district of Dmitry Kobylkina.

Till this day fatal day JANAO the personnel question will be considered by profile committees and fraction "United Russia". According to speaker Sergey Harjuchi, during preliminary hearings each deputy can express the relation to the future head of Yamal and state the vision of the further development of region.

The president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev has submitted for consideration members of parliament D.Kobylkina's nominee on February, 22nd. It became the main favourite of governor's race after the operating head of a gas province of Russia Jury Neyelov has refused reassignment for the next term.

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