30 Yamal public men have signed the reference to the president

30 Yamal public men have signed the reference to the president
In Tyumen representatives Yamal землячеств have written the reference to the president Dmitry Medvedev with the request to bring in Legislative Assembly JANAO Jury Neyelov's nominee on a post of the governor of region.
«Convincingly we ask by nominee consideration on a post of governor JANAO to consider opinion of veterans of Yamal. As the overwhelming majority of the Yamal pensioners living in Tyumen and in the south of area joins our position», – is told in circulation. The letter was signed by 30 persons.

As the parliamentary newspaper «Tyumen news» informs, in the south of area lives about three thousand pensioners which have worked on Yamal for 15 and more years. Here it is created five землячеств, the council of veterans of northern enterprises works.

The termination date of powers of Jury Neyelov on a post of the head of Yamal-Nenets district comes to an end on March, 11th. Besides the operating governor vice-governor Victor Kazarin, the head of Purovsky area Dmitry Kobylkin and the general director of Open Company "Gazpromkomplektaciya" Igor Fyodorov applies for a post of the governor of region.

The reference ямальцев to the president became a consequence of that in the next region – HmAo-Jugre – is unexpected for local residents Dmitry Medvedev has brought on the statement of local parliament as the governor Natalia Komarovoj's nominee, instead of the long-term head of region Alexander Filipenko. It has caused the wide response among Yugorsk the public.

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