On March, 3rd deputies will consider a nominee of Kobylkina on a post of the governor

On March, 3rd deputies will consider a nominee of Kobylkina on a post of the governor
The chairman of Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Sergey Harjuchi has signed the order about appointment to March, 3rd of an emergency meeting of Legislative Assembly of Yamal on which the question on investment with powers of the governor of district of Dmitry Nikolaevicha Kobylkina will be considered.

«We keep within the terms taken away by the law — from the date of receipt of the offer from the President we should make the decision after 10 days. Preliminary the question will be considered at all sessions of profile committees and fraction session« UNIFORM Russia »and, obviously, everyone will state the point of view, — Sergey Harjuchi has commented on the decision.

Let's remind, on February, 22nd according to article 18 of the Federal law «About the general principles of the organisation legislative (representative) and executive powers of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation» the president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev has submitted for consideration Legislative Assemblies of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Dmitry Kobylkina's nominee for investment with its powers of the governor of Yamal.

The chairman of Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Sergey Harjuchi has signed the order about appointment to March, 3rd of an emergency meeting of Legislative Assembly of Yamal on which the question on investment with powers of the governor of district of Dmitry Nikolaevicha Kobylkina will be considered.

«We keep within the terms taken away by the law — from the date of receipt of the offer from the President we should make the decision after 10 days. Preliminary the question will be considered at all sessions of profile committees and fraction session« UNIFORM Russia »and, obviously, everyone will state the point of view, — Sergey Harjuchi has commented on the decision.

Let's remind, on February, 22nd according to article 18 of the Federal law «About the general principles of the organisation legislative (representative) and executive powers of the government of subjects of the Russian Federation» the president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev has submitted for consideration Legislative Assemblies of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Dmitry Kobylkina's nominee for investment with its powers of the governor of Yamal.

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