Members of parliament of Yamal have allocated Dmitry Kobylkina with powers of the governor

Members of parliament of Yamal have allocated Dmitry Kobylkina with powers of the governor
Deputies of Legislative Assembly of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region on an emergency meeting have considered the problem today on investment with powers of the governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region of Dmitry Kobylkina, the Legislative Assembly press-service informs.

The Yamal members of parliament have unanimously supported offered by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev a nominee and have entrusted management of the main gas region of the country to Dmitry Kobylkinu.

Before appointment to the post of the head of region Dmitry Kobylkin supervised over one of strategically important areas of Yamal — Purovsky. On a post of the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Dmitry Kobylkin will replace Jury Neyelov supervising autonomous region since 1994 and managed to deduce region in number of leaders among subjects of the Russian Federation.

Dmitry Nikolaevich Kobylkin was born on July, 7th, 1971 in the city of Astrakhan. In 1993 has ended the Ufa oil institute on a speciality «the mountain engineer-geophysicist».

Labour activity of the beginnings in geophysical association "Shelf" in the city of Gelendzhike. Since November, 1993 till March, 1994 worked as the engineer in Tarasovsky management of geophysical works. Since April 1994 till May, 1995 — the geologist Tarkosalinsky нефтегазоразведочной expeditions.

Since October 1996 till May, 2001 worked in Open Society "Пурнефтегазгеология" system, occupied posts of the director for the personnel, the first deputy of the general director. Since 2000 supervised over working out of the Hanchejsky deposit and the organisation of oil and gas extraction manufacture.

In May, 2001 has been appointed by the general director of Open Company "Ханчейнефтегаз". Since October, 2002 worked on a post of the first deputy of the head of administration of Purovsky area.

In 2003 has ended institute of professional retraining of the Ural academy of public service on a speciality «the state and municipal management». In October, 2005 it is selected by the head of Purovsky area. It is married. Brings up three children.

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