Jury Neyelov will defend legislative initiatives yamalpeople

Jury Neyelov will defend legislative initiatives yamalpeople
The councillor of Federation of Federal Meeting of the Russian Federation Jury Neyelov has chosen for the work in the upper chamber of parliament Committee on North affairs. It has explained that will be engaged, first of all, in the Arctic subjects, — the press-service of administration of Tazovsky area informs.

«The Yamal-Nenets autonomous region was the leader in activization of the Arctic policy of the state, — he has told. — I Will try, as the senator, to continue this work».

He has underlined that is well familiar with how activity of the upper chamber of parliament of the country is organised. «Therefore, if it will be necessary, I will manage to support the legislative initiative and Legislative Assembly of Yamal, and the Yamal governor» — the senator has noted.

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