The governor invites peoples to dialogue

The governor invites peoples to dialogue
"Straight line" of governor YANAO will take place on December, 1st at 18.00 on TV channel "Yamal-region". On the air Dmitry Kobylkin will answer questions which excite today peoples.

In air time, inclusions of mobile television complexes in cities and district settlements are planned. Besides inclusions from territories, will ask questions to the head of district the representatives of the most different fields of activity invited in studio — doctors, the teacher, businessmen.

At peoples there is a possibility to ask the question to the governor on site OGTRK "Yamal-region" or, having sent it on a site of the governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.

It is desirable to fill out a name, a surname and settlement in which you live. Letters from anonymous authors will be considered in last turn.

The television version of "Straight line" will be placed on a TV channel site.

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