Governor D.Kobylkin will spend two-hour internet conference

On March, 16th, 2011 from 13-00 Internet conference of the Governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region of Dmitry Kobylkina till 15-00 o'clock will take place. The head of region will answer questions of inhabitants in a mode online on News agency "North-press" site.
The Governor of autonomous region can direct questions through a special information banner «Internet conference of the Governor» on addresses: - news agency "North-press", – an official site of Governor ЯНАО, - an official site of Government JANAO and – the Regional portal of state and municipal services YANAO in section «Government JANAO Internet reception».
Dmitry Kobylkin gives particular attention to direct dialogue with inhabitants of district. From the moment of the introduction into a post the Governor directly communicated with fellow countrymen eight times. Dialogue forms were different – from the airs on regional television during which time the head of region gave concrete commissions to heads of municipalities, before carrying out of receptions on private matters. Dmitry Kobylkina's meetings don't enter into this quantity with peoples during its numerous trips on cities and settlements of Yamal. The governor, fulfilling the promise, again begins a series of working trips on region. In the end of February it has visited the cities of Noyabrsk, Muravlenko, Tarko-fat, in settlement Purovsk and in village Harampur. Preparing Internet conference gives the chance peoples which can't personally arrive on a meeting with the Governor, ask it the questions through the Internet.
Internet conference becomes one more form of dialogue of the Governor with inhabitants of region. Dmitry Kobylkin stated time and again the confidence that the person shouldn't remain in private with the problems, and the patients for fellow countrymen questions should be heard. «Officials shouldn't inflate a cheek from own importance. To wave away from a human trouble, having referred to the law – true for the state employee immutable, very easily. To do the utmost, that the law worked on the person, has solved its problem – much more difficultly. For this purpose it is necessary« to include »a head and to open heart», - the head of region in one of interview declared.
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