Labytnangtsa hurry to move from the region of the Far North

Specialists of department of housing policy of labytnangsky Administration note this year unprecedented "demand" for resettlement programs from the region of the Far North. Head of department Tamara Bezgubenko speaks: «Since the beginning of the current year as of July 01 from wishing to leave the North 631 statements are accepted. From them according to the Cooperation program - 430 statements and 211 statements according to the program of Fund of housing construction». Tamara Mikhaelovna connects activity of labytnangets with emergence of the new housing programme in the area of district Fund of housing construction. «Even if the applicant by any criteria isn't suitable for participation in this program, it, having already collected documents, submits them on other programs of resettlement» — she notes.
Let's remind, such programs three. In the area of Fund of housing construction which we already mentioned — it is the program for wishing to move to Tyumen, to the residential district "Yamal"; the Cooperation program - for resettlement to any settlement of the South of the Tyumen region and the federal program of resettlement from the region of the Far North on which it is possible to choose any region for accommodation.
The federal program provides a number of obligatory requirements to her participants. The right use social payment citizens who arrived to the region of the Far North till January 1, 1992 can, earned in these areas an experience over 15 years and have no housing in other regions of Russia.
That at filing of application on participation in the program citizens bear responsibility for granting data on the real estate. In particular, from 229 yamalets who have received this year certificates, more than 50 have housing outside of the district. The certificates issued to these citizens now are blocked, payments on them won't be made.
Now experts check real estate existence by means of electronic flow of documents, process takes no more than a month. At identification of the fact of giving of doubtful data by the applicant, information can be sent to law enforcement agencies. Let's remind that according to the current legislation providing obviously false data can be treated by judicial authorities as fraud.
In the current year to use programs of resettlement and acquire housing outside of the autonomous region over three thousand Yamal families can allegedly.
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