New Year's letters will find the addressee

New year the most light, long-awaited, favourite holiday for all Russians. Citizens of Russia hasten to congratulate the relatives, native, familiar, favourite, having written them warm words, to share the feelings, experiences or having sent to a gift, therefore Mail of Russia don't intend to change tariffs for services of a mail service on transfer of internal written correspondence (postcards, letters, parcels post) in New Year's holidays.

Traditionally in December and the beginning of January post services are in great demand at all categories of citizens which congratulate the family the letter, a card or a parcel on a gift. Many Russians were already defined with a format of congratulations this year, having got in advance all necessary: marks, envelopes, packing. Not to change the planned plans of tens thousand Russians administration the decision to transfer terms of coming into force of the accepted tariffs on the period is accepted.

«Mail of Russia as the enterprise possessing an important social role, uniting people and providing dialogue possibility without dependence from their location, aspires to create as much as possible comfortable conditions for the clients. That in holiday and holidays all interested persons have used possibilities of mail and have congratulated people close to them administration the decision to transfer coming into force of new tariffs for January, 2011» is accepted, – general director FGUP «Mail of Russia» Alexander Kiselyov has declared.

The decision on change of tariffs for services of a popular mail service is accepted Federal Agency of tariffs of 12/7/2010, thus terms of coming into force of new tariffs are defined directly by Mail of Russia.

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