«Departures of 1st class» steels mark №1 in Russia.
Popular service of Mail of Russia of "departure of 1st class» became the winner of the All-Russia competition «Mark №1 in Russia 2010» and the owner of the annual award of national trust.
«To win a high rank« Marks №1 »and to win a victory in a category« Accelerated items of mail »the recognition of numerous users of service has allowed. Admirers of service haven'ted the best combination of the price and quality and have estimated diligence of Mail of Russia on availability increase« Departures of 1 class »and to their advancement« in weights ». We hope that the further development of service will give the chance to improve even more quality of its granting and as consequence to draw attention of new clients», - Oleg Vladimirovich Akayomov the director of Yamal-Nenets branch of Mail of Russia has underlined.
«Departure of 1st class» represents the most convenient and economic variant of transfer of mail in the accelerated mode. It is ideal for those who is interested in the maximum speed, but isn't ready to pay for express delivery.
Let's notice that «departures of 1st class» are sent in special firm packing with a yellow strip and processed in a priority order. They are delivered to the addressee in one and a half time faster, than ordinary letters and parcels post.
Service is given by Mail Russia throughout four years and every year wins the increasing popularity. And every year the tendency to increase in sent departures is observed. So, for the first half of the year 2010 through branches of a mail service of district it has been sent over 30 thousand «departures of 1st class», last year for the similar period it has been sent hardly more than 25 thousand departures. As a whole on the country volumes of accelerated mail have grown more than in 2,5 times in comparison with last year. First of all the factor of crisis which has forced the companies to trace very attentively the budgets has affected double increase in departures of 1st class, and to solve problems, using optimum services. «1-class departures» the business community has allowed to involve availability and quality in this service.
For the inquiry:
The award «Mark №1 in Russia» is organized by RBC media holding in 1998. As the partner of the award in research of the consumer markets company "Comcon" traditionally acts.
Victory in competition where the role of experts and jury are executed by the end user - unique achievement of the company-manufacturer of the goods and services. This national quality recognition and availability of a product that is the main indicator of success in the market.
In 2010 voting was spent on 42 categories and participation in it have accepted more than 252 thousand persons. On competition conditions its winners receive the emblem right of use «NATIONAL MARK / MARK №1 In Russia» in advertizing and on firm packing within two years.
Solemn ceremony of rewarding of winners traditionally passes in December in the State Kremlin Palace.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
«To win a high rank« Marks №1 »and to win a victory in a category« Accelerated items of mail »the recognition of numerous users of service has allowed. Admirers of service haven'ted the best combination of the price and quality and have estimated diligence of Mail of Russia on availability increase« Departures of 1 class »and to their advancement« in weights ». We hope that the further development of service will give the chance to improve even more quality of its granting and as consequence to draw attention of new clients», - Oleg Vladimirovich Akayomov the director of Yamal-Nenets branch of Mail of Russia has underlined.
«Departure of 1st class» represents the most convenient and economic variant of transfer of mail in the accelerated mode. It is ideal for those who is interested in the maximum speed, but isn't ready to pay for express delivery.
Let's notice that «departures of 1st class» are sent in special firm packing with a yellow strip and processed in a priority order. They are delivered to the addressee in one and a half time faster, than ordinary letters and parcels post.
Service is given by Mail Russia throughout four years and every year wins the increasing popularity. And every year the tendency to increase in sent departures is observed. So, for the first half of the year 2010 through branches of a mail service of district it has been sent over 30 thousand «departures of 1st class», last year for the similar period it has been sent hardly more than 25 thousand departures. As a whole on the country volumes of accelerated mail have grown more than in 2,5 times in comparison with last year. First of all the factor of crisis which has forced the companies to trace very attentively the budgets has affected double increase in departures of 1st class, and to solve problems, using optimum services. «1-class departures» the business community has allowed to involve availability and quality in this service.
For the inquiry:
The award «Mark №1 in Russia» is organized by RBC media holding in 1998. As the partner of the award in research of the consumer markets company "Comcon" traditionally acts.
Victory in competition where the role of experts and jury are executed by the end user - unique achievement of the company-manufacturer of the goods and services. This national quality recognition and availability of a product that is the main indicator of success in the market.
In 2010 voting was spent on 42 categories and participation in it have accepted more than 252 thousand persons. On competition conditions its winners receive the emblem right of use «NATIONAL MARK / MARK №1 In Russia» in advertizing and on firm packing within two years.
Solemn ceremony of rewarding of winners traditionally passes in December in the State Kremlin Palace.
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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