Yamal Iri waits for the demand for gifts

Mail of Russia expands geography of seasonal service «the Congratulation from Father Frost». From the main New Year's character now it is possible to please with gifts the family not only in Russia, but also in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Germany.

Demand for gifts from Father Frost shows stable growth. This year Mail has completely updated and has expanded assortment of New Year's surprises. Except the traditional letter from Father Frost, Mail of Russia offers 12 various variants of gifts – from sets of toys and books to computer and board games. They will be interesting to children of different age, and some – will please all family. Cost of a gift with a congratulation from Father Frost - from 480 to 1000 roubles depending on the chosen set and delivery region. The letter from Father Frost costs 120 roubles on Russia and 200 roubles – at sending abroad.

Care of all clients, even the smallest, – a priority line of activity of Mail of Russia. Annually efforts of the post operator more than 250 000 children receive unusual gifts and personal congratulations from Father Frost.

Order an interesting gift parents can till December, 23rd in any branch of a mail service or through Mail site. Mailing of the ordered congratulations will begin on December, 1st, 2011. Having received the notice, the addressee can take away a gift in post office during convenient time within the whole 2 months. All this time a surprise will be stored absolutely free of charge.

Predicting expected growth of volumes of parcels on the threshold of New Year's and Christmas holidays, Mail of Russia already optimizes today delivery logistics, redistributes volumes between places of a post exchange, increases the areas of premises for processing of the international departures and establishes the additional equipment.

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