Yamalpeoples suggest to order a congratulation from Father Frost

Yamalpeoples suggest to order a congratulation from Father Frost
At inhabitants of Yamal remains three weeks to order for native, friends and acquaintances personal congratulations and gifts from Father Frost – the Prenew Year's offer «Mail of Russia» will operate till December, 23rd.

To please the relatives, children and adults with pleasant surprises and to order for them gifts with personal congratulations from Father Frost simply: for this purpose it is necessary to fill only the special form in any post office or on a site and to pay the order for mail or in an online mode through system Yandex. Money. In total it is offered on a choice of 11 gift sets for children from three till 13 years.

Gift № 1. «Masha and the Bear». Dolls of characters of a popular cartoon film enter Into a set «Masha and the Bear» and DVD a disk.
Gift № 2. Смешарики: the book – game «My first atlas» on a plot of a popular domestic cartoon serial.
Gift № 3. The princess: the book with a game set. This album is intended specially for girls – lovers of paper dolls and their magnificent dresses.
Gift № 4. The radio-controlled racing machine.
Gift № 5. "Surprise" – a symbol of coming New 2012.
Gift № 6. A set for creation of a beads and ornaments. The set consists of beads in the form of florets of the different size, пайеток, beads, color threads and decorative laces.
Gift № 7. «Тачки-2»: a computer game and a baseball cap with heroes of an animation cartoon film of studio Disney/Pixar – "Tachki-2".
Gift № 8. A puzzle for creation of volume model «Masterpieces of world architecture» with the booklet about its stories.
Gift № 9. A set for all family: chess, a darts, a board game, a toy-magnet "Dragon" and a sweet gift. The various set of games will help to organize fascinating leisure of the big company of adults and children.
Gift № 10. A pillow-diary for the maiden secrets. The Pillow-diary a remarkable gift for the girl from five till 13 years. It simultaneously both a soft pillow, and a place for storage of secrets.
Gift № 11. The helicopter on infra-red management GYRO-109 with a gyroscope.

At the gift order in addition to pay the letter from Father Frost it is not required – it is a free bonus. Gifts are sent the addressee across the Russian Federation by custom-made parcels post of the first class, abroad – small packages that guarantees their safety, informs UFPS ЯНАО.

Mailing to addressees of the first congratulations and gifts from Father Frost has already begun.

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