Branches of a mail service of Yamal and Father Frost prepare for New year.

Branches of a mail service of Yamal and Father Frost prepare for New year.
From October, 15th till December, 22nd, 2010 in all branches of a mail service of district booking for popular service «the Congratulation from Father Frost» is opened.

To make a pleasant surprise close and native, and to present them as a gift the personal letter from the main wizard of the country, or one and gifts it is possible having used service of Mail of Russia «the Congratulation from Father Frost». For this purpose it is necessary to fill the special form in the nearest branch of a mail service and to pay service at the operator.

This year Mail of Russia has expanded assortment of gifts to 8 offers. Among them already fallen in love traditional gift-surprise from Father Frost, a backpack of "Smesharik" for the most young dandies and women of fashion, an amusing small suitcase with favourite heroes of cartoon films and the game book for boys of "Wheelbarrow", and also the robot-transformer. The attention of girls will be involved with the colourful book with a gift disk from Vinks and a doll which can be made the hands. Fans of all unusual will be interested by a set for the conjurer «magic Lessons». And, in each of gifts the letter from Father Frost will already contain, and to order separately it it is not necessary.

Cost «Congratulations from Father Frost» is uniform for regions of the country and depends only on the chosen order. Gifts will be sent the addressee by custom-made parcels post of 1st class, and a congratulation – certified mails. Movement of orders can be traced by means of special service on a site of Mail of Russiaunder ten-character number which takes place under a bar code on the receipt. Mailing of the ordered congratulations and gifts to addressees will begin since December, 1st 2010.

Let's notice that service «the Congratulation from Father Frost» already throughout five years is a success at inhabitants of autonomous region. «However, we warn, that your gift wasn't late by a holiday to take care of its order it is necessary beforehand, demands on« the Congratulation from Father Frost »will be accepted till December, 22nd», – Oleg Akayomov, the director of Management of mail service YANAO has underlined. Last year Father Frost has sent ямальцам more than thousand gifts.

For the first time Mail of Russia has started to earn additionally on New Year's congratulations in 2004. Then letters «from Father Frost» had the status of "simple". Since 2005 of the letter became custom-made. In 2006 of a congratulation of a steel not only personified, but also focused on different age groups, therefore a New Year's congratulation from Father Frost it is possible to order both for children, and for adults.

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