All-Russia Father Frost will begin the New Year's travel with Yamal.

All-Russia Father Frost will begin the New Year's travel with Yamal.
The Yamal Father Frost Jamal Iri plans to visit the city of Velikiy Ustyug to take part in celebrating of birthday of All-Russia Father Frost. The winter wizard of Yamal will arrive for a holiday not with an empty bag. Yamal Iri carries to the fantastic colleague a gift and what it will be – while keeps a secret.

For Father Frost visitors the celebratory concert will take place, will pass the dramatized representation on «Avenue of miracles» with participation of all fantastic characters, arrived to congratulate the winter wizard. The sports marathon – Fathers Frost Games for the first time will take place. Carrying out «Father Frost Big Council» with participation of delegations from regions, fantastic wizards, the press becomes an official part of celebratory actions.

Then the holiday will proceed on a city central square where fires on the first New Year tree will be lit. All-Russia Father Frost New Year's travel from here will begin. And the Yamal-Nenets autonomous region becomes the first region which will be visited by the fantastic wizard. Fathers Frost will in common spend ceremonies of ignition of celebratory fires on New Year trees, will visit educational, cultural, social establishments, will congratulate children with coming New year.

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