Post Yamal have supported the All-Russian popular front

Post Yamal have supported the All-Russian popular front
On July, 13th in Management of the Federal mail service – branch FGUP «Mail of Russia» the meeting of labour collective of management personnel of branch has taken place.

On the agenda questions on joining of collective to the All-Russian popular front and delegation of representatives of movement for protection of interests of the enterprise and its employees in authorities have been taken out. Voting by show of hands this initiative was supported by all participants of action.

At meeting of labour collective the director of branch Oleg Akaemov has underlined that the All-Russian popular front is created as democratic movement. Support by its employees of branch will give the chance to designate most acute problems of the enterprise and to offer ways of their decision by participation in formation of the National program and inclusion in it of actions for modernisation of a mail service and increase of a standard of living. Thus, it is real chance to change a situation to the best.

Similar meetings concerning joining to the Popular front also are spent in all post offices of district. So, during the period from July, 7 till July, 14th the labour meeting of workers has passed in Salekhard, Noyabrsk and New Urengojsky post offices. In total during carrying out of labour meetings in them will take part more than thousand employees of branch.

«I consider that joining to the Popular front will give additional bonuses in work with municipalities. It is known that now on places of the head of administrations practically do not help mail. Now, when representatives of Mail of Russia will have a possibility to express our interests in the governmental structures, we can adjust close cooperation in sphere of development of a mail service of region», – Oleg Akaemov has noted.

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