Postmen of Yamal will bring in the Popular front the ideas

Postmen of  Yamal will bring in the Popular front the ideas
Last weeks in UFPS – branch FGUP «Mail of Russia» the meeting of labor collective on which the joining initiative to ONF where postmen have shown the vital position was discussed has taken place, having voted for participation of Mail of Russia in the All-Russian popular front. Employees of post branch have made offers in the National program in which the vision of sharp and essential problems of branch is reflected and ways of their decision are offered.

- «I join the All-Russian popular front with hope of improvement of social life of the population, and in particular postmen, that ONF will execute dreams and will help to improve working conditions. I believe that the state will hear us and will help to realize all our wishes and offers.» - so has explained the position chief OPS № 8 to Salekhard, to Krejdo L.A.

The chief of November post office - Horolskaja S.P. by phone has commented on the position: “very much it would be desirable, that people have been heard, to problems of Mail will pay attention, after all at us it is a lot of them.” The offers made by it concerned also motor car park updatings by new vehicles, program working out in granting of departmental habitation to workers and equipment of branch of a mail service modern elektronno - computer facilities.

Mail of Russia is socially – the significant enterprise, the social role of mail is very important in population life, therefore having joined to ONF postmen important problems of the enterprise will try to inform to the power and to make serious offers from employees and all those who uses «Mail of Russia», after all well-being of each region depends on that, how much partner, equal in rights and valid relations develop between its important components.

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