In Muravlenko have celebrated «Day of the reindeer breeder»

From March, 20 till March, 21st in Muravlenko has passed a traditional national holiday of the radical small people of the North «Day of the reindeer breeder».

For the first time for some years under the joint decision a city administration, Open Society "Gazpromneft-NnG" Branch "Muravlenkovskneft" (affiliated enterprise «oil Gazprom») and members of the Sugmuto-Pjakutinsky community Day of the reindeer breeder has passed in territory of a city recreation park of Muravlenko. Earlier the holiday was spent on a trading station of "Sugmut" of the Sugmutsky deposit of Branch "Muravlenkovskneft".

Within the limits of action has passed a celebratory concert, national competitions, drivings on оленьих teams, exit trade and entertainments national meal from a venison.

For rewarding of winners in national competitions branch "Муравленковскнефть" has allocated 1 snowmobile "the Snow-storm" played for the first place in races on оленьих teams among women and 3 JK — the TV. Also forces of the enterprise had been decorated a scene and the line for races on оленьих teams is prepared, transport has been given and material aid is listed the Sugmuto-Pjakutinsky community for the holiday organisation.

Support of a traditional way of life of the radical small people and rendering of the financial help by it is one of priority directions of social policy of Branch "Muravlenkovskneft".

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