The cup of the governor was won by reindeer breeders from the Yamal area

In Nadym have summed up XV anniversary competitions of reindeer breeders on the Cup of governor JANAO, devoted to the 80 anniversary of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region.

This year anniversary competitions have collected 120 participants from nine reindeer-breeding commands. Within two days on the area at parkway Strizhova competitions and competitions by national kinds of sports were developed: a throwing тынзяна on a trochee, jumps through нарты, a threefold national jump, stick pulling, ski relay race. Races on оленьих teams became one of the most entertainment as always. This year on participation in this kind of competitions three female harnesses were declared. For the first time within the limits of anniversary competitions have passed races on the dog teams. Dog breeders have taken part in them from Nori, Kutopjugana New Urengoja, and also representatives of the Moscow club of fans of draught dogs.

As informs Nakanune.R, the third place has got to sportsmen from state farm Bajdaratsky, the second – a village Kutopjugan command. The command of Municipal reindeer-breeding enterprise "Panaevsky" became the winner of competitions and the owner of the Cup of the governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. All winners of competitions in personal and command offset have received valuable prizes from organizers and founders of competitions – monetary awards, electrogenerators, boat motors and snowmobiles.

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