Isn't present anywhere in the world

The head of reindeer-breeding enterprise "Jarsalinsky" Valery Shurygin is included in a heading "Person" of the encyclopedia "Best people of Russia"

«The present owner», — so shortly and capaciously speak colleagues about one of the most known heads of agricultural industry of the Russian Polar region. Now "Jarsalinsky" - one of the largest reindeer-breeding economy in the world. But in 2002 state farm "Jarsalinsky" has gone bankrupt, and only thanks to efforts of the new head it was possible to keep not simply herd in "Jarsalinsky", but also to finish it to 28 thousand goals — livestock isn't present anywhere in the world.

Valery Nikolaevich advances the enterprise on higher steps of success and prestige. In every possible way welcomes participation of a command of the enterprise in traditional northern sports actions. The corresponding order it awards those who becomes the winner. By the way, below the second place their command never occupied.

By right it is considered most considerable of competitions an annual Cup of the governor of Yamal. Reindeer breeders show the skill in a throwing on a trochee, jumps through sledge, national struggle and in the most entertainment kind of competitions — races on cervine teams. Not once all podium was occupied with representatives МОП "Jarsalinsky", receiving governor's prizes: "Snow-storms" and snowmobiles of new generation "Taiga".

All energy and Valery Nikolaevich's experience on a post of the director, all successes of municipal reindeer-breeding enterprise "Jarsalinsky" — both industrial, and social, and sports — are subordinated finally the main strategic target without which that is impossible not that prosperity, and development of an economy, area and all peninsula Yamal — education and fastening on the fine earth of the North of young generation.

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