On Yamal «Day of the reindeer breeder» has taken place
From March, 19 till March, 31st, 2010 in territory of industrial activity of Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" (branch «oil Gazprom») traditional national celebratings of the radical small people of the North «Day of the reindeer breeder» have come to the end.
Employees of the oil-extracting enterprise together with regional, city and поселковыми administrations and heads of national communities took part in carrying out of "Day of the reindeer breeder» in settlements Tolka, Haljasovej of Purovsky area, and also the item Russkinsky the Surgut area HmAo-Jugry.
In total for the actions dated for celebrating of Day of the reindeer breeder, Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" has allocated 450 thousand roubles. In sports views of competitions the Society administration has handed over to winners 3 snowmobiles "Snow-storm".
Let's remind, in 2010 within the limits of the concluded social and economic agreements with families of the radical small people of the North, Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" quarterly pays to each member of a family on three thousand roubles.
Besides, the Society provides with their building materials, overalls, transfers into the personal account money for a foodstuff, and also gives out in family using the boat motor, бензопилу and a snowmobile. So, prior to the beginning of celebrating of "Day of the reindeer breeder», the enterprise has handed over sponsored November, вынгапуровских and муравленковских oil industry workers of 57 snowmobiles "Snow-storm".
As the general director of Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" Gennady Ljubin has told, «the oil-extracting enterprise since 1985 conducts work with indigenous population. Support of a traditional way of life of radical small nationalities of the North and rendering of financial support by it is one of priority directions of social policy of Open Society« Gazprom oil ».
Employees of the oil-extracting enterprise together with regional, city and поселковыми administrations and heads of national communities took part in carrying out of "Day of the reindeer breeder» in settlements Tolka, Haljasovej of Purovsky area, and also the item Russkinsky the Surgut area HmAo-Jugry.
In total for the actions dated for celebrating of Day of the reindeer breeder, Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" has allocated 450 thousand roubles. In sports views of competitions the Society administration has handed over to winners 3 snowmobiles "Snow-storm".
Let's remind, in 2010 within the limits of the concluded social and economic agreements with families of the radical small people of the North, Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" quarterly pays to each member of a family on three thousand roubles.
Besides, the Society provides with their building materials, overalls, transfers into the personal account money for a foodstuff, and also gives out in family using the boat motor, бензопилу and a snowmobile. So, prior to the beginning of celebrating of "Day of the reindeer breeder», the enterprise has handed over sponsored November, вынгапуровских and муравленковских oil industry workers of 57 snowmobiles "Snow-storm".
As the general director of Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" Gennady Ljubin has told, «the oil-extracting enterprise since 1985 conducts work with indigenous population. Support of a traditional way of life of radical small nationalities of the North and rendering of financial support by it is one of priority directions of social policy of Open Society« Gazprom oil ».
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