On the Vyngapurovsky deposit 4 new chinks are placed in operation
In January, 2010 on the Vyngapurovsky deposit developed by Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" (branch "oil Gazprom"), start in work of 4 chinks which have received "the second life" has taken place. Objects are placed in operation in the gushing way and continue to work in a gushing forth mode. For today total chinks makes more than 200 tons of oil a day.
"Four" is drilled in the western part of the Vyngapurovsky deposit. Three chinks are reconstructed by a method of the focused deepening. The fourth chink has been translated on overlying horizon. Layer hydrorupture has been made for an intensification of inflow of oil on the given chinks.
Application of the above-stated technologies economic and considerably reduces time of input of a deposit in working out because process of drilling of a chink is not carried out repeatedly, and is its continuation or reduction.
The general director of Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" Gennady Ljubin has noticed that for today the enterprise, using various geologo-technical actions (ГТМ), including deepenings and transfers, intends to keep rates of extraction in the given region and whenever possible to increase them. So, in February on the Vyngapurovsky deposit it is planned to translate for an overlying layer and to make deepening on 6 chinks.
Let's remind that in 2009 of Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" was ahead of schedule on extraction on 700 thousand tons of oil. 47 deepenings are actually made, 111 transfers into other horizon are executed. As a result of application of data GTM the additional gain of extraction in 2009 has made more than 480 thousand tons of oil.
For the inquiry: Drilling of a chink by a deepening method represents difficult technological process where "fulfilled on oil stocks" a chink continue бурить on an underlaying layer which is found out according to the seismic and geological data, concerning a layer on which the chink was maintained earlier.
Method GRP (layer hydrorupture) - one of the most powerful methods of an intensification, consists in creation высокопроводимой cracks in a developed layer for increase in inflow of extracted oil to a chink face. After carrying out GRP chinks, as a rule, multiply increases
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"Four" is drilled in the western part of the Vyngapurovsky deposit. Three chinks are reconstructed by a method of the focused deepening. The fourth chink has been translated on overlying horizon. Layer hydrorupture has been made for an intensification of inflow of oil on the given chinks.
Application of the above-stated technologies economic and considerably reduces time of input of a deposit in working out because process of drilling of a chink is not carried out repeatedly, and is its continuation or reduction.
The general director of Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" Gennady Ljubin has noticed that for today the enterprise, using various geologo-technical actions (ГТМ), including deepenings and transfers, intends to keep rates of extraction in the given region and whenever possible to increase them. So, in February on the Vyngapurovsky deposit it is planned to translate for an overlying layer and to make deepening on 6 chinks.
Let's remind that in 2009 of Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" was ahead of schedule on extraction on 700 thousand tons of oil. 47 deepenings are actually made, 111 transfers into other horizon are executed. As a result of application of data GTM the additional gain of extraction in 2009 has made more than 480 thousand tons of oil.
For the inquiry: Drilling of a chink by a deepening method represents difficult technological process where "fulfilled on oil stocks" a chink continue бурить on an underlaying layer which is found out according to the seismic and geological data, concerning a layer on which the chink was maintained earlier.
Method GRP (layer hydrorupture) - one of the most powerful methods of an intensification, consists in creation высокопроводимой cracks in a developed layer for increase in inflow of extracted oil to a chink face. After carrying out GRP chinks, as a rule, multiply increases
Самые важные и оперативные новости — в нашем Telegram-канале «Вестник Заполярья». ПОДПИШИСЬ!
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