On the Ety-Purovsky deposit the chink is placed in operation new

On Northern dome of the Ety-Purovsky deposit developed by branch "Muravlenkovskneft" of Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" (branch «oil Gazprom»), the horizontal chink has been started new.

The chink works in a gushing mode, daily extraction on it makes 120 tons юрской waterless oil that corresponds to the planned indicators.

The given operational chink 11th on a sectional platform, and by results of its drilling building of additional 3 chinks is planned.

From the beginning of 2010 on a bush 3 chinks have been drilled: 2 extracting and 1 delivery.

Development of the Ety-Purovsky deposit has begun in 2002. The deposit is characterised by ambiguous geological structure, is difficult from the point of view of an oil recovery.

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