On the Ety-Purovsky deposit the chink is started new

On the Southern dome of the Ety-Purovsky deposit developed by branch "Muravlenkovskneft" of Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz" (branch «oil Gazprom»), the chink has been started new.

The chink works in a gushing mode, daily extraction on it makes more than 150 metres cubic hydrocarbonic raw materials: waters of an order of 20 %, oil of 95 tons that corresponds to the planned indicators.

The given chink the eighth on a maintained sectional platform. In the near future on a chink researches by which results the decision on expediency of the further drilling on the given sectional platform will be accepted will be carried out.

Development of the Ety-Purovsky deposit has been begun in 2002 year. The deposit is characterised by ambiguous geological structure, is difficult from the point of view of an oil recovery. Geologists confirm perspectivity of working out of the Ety-Purovsky deposit.

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