Gas production volumes on Yamal have exceeded indicators of 2010.

Gas production volumes on Yamal for eight months of current year have exceeded indicators of the similar period of 2010.
For September, 1st, 2011 on district 218 operating licenses for the right of use of bowels for geological studying and extraction of hydrocarbonic raw materials have been registered. 183 licenses are given out with the right of use of bowels for extraction of hydrocarbons, geological studying or investigation, 35 – only with the right of geological studying of bowels. Licenses are given out 59 enterprises to users of bowels.
According to department of prirodno-resource regulation, wood relations and development of an oil and gas complex of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region, for eight months of current year actual extraction of hydrocarbonic raw materials in territory was made by 32 enterprises on 85 deposits and has made 369 429,386 million м3 gas, 15 332,826 thousand tons of oil, 7 498,878 thousand tons of a condensate. To level of extraction of the similar period of 2010 extraction of hydrocarbons in a percentage parity has made: on gas – 106 %; on oil – 94 %; on a condensate – 109 %, soobshchaetpress-service of administration of district.
In 2011 in a mode of trial operation there is begun oil recovery and gas on the South Hadyrjahinsky deposit (Joint-Stock Company).
As of September, 1st of current year oil recovery in district was made by 15 enterprises on 54 deposits. The basic oil-extracting enterprises there are Open Society branches «Gazprom oil» and Open Society "NK" Rosneft ».
By enterprises «oil Gazprom» it is extracted 9 527,986 thousand tons of oil (Open Society "Gazpromneft-Nojabrskneftegaz") that makes 62 % from the extracted oil as a whole on district. Oil company "Rosneft" has extracted 4 490,601 thousand tons of "oil". These are 29 % from oil extracting total amount in district. A share of other enterprises – 9 % (1 314,239 thousand.
Gas production in the similar period was made by 32 enterprises on 85 deposits. Total extraction of branches "Gazproms" in territory YANAO by data for September, 1st, 2011 has made 314 154,791 million м3 gas or 85 % of all extraction in district. On other enterprises 15 % from all volume are necessary.
Extraction of a gas condensate is carried out by 17 enterprises on 22 deposits. In the lead positions occupy enterprises "Gazproms". As of September, 1st by them it is extracted 4 872,631 thousand tons of a condensate that makes 65 % of extraction on district.
The share of the condensate extracted by enterprises "NOVATEK", has made 24,8 % (1 857,389 thousand tons), «Rospan Interneshnl» - 5,8 % (436,039 thousand tons), "НК" Rosneft »– 2,2 % (162,581 thousand tons). The share of other enterprises in condensate extraction on district has made 2,3 %.
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