The governor of Yamal has handed over a cup to winners of competitions of reindeer breeders

In Nadym bright picturesque original competitions of reindeer breeders on a cup of the governor of Yamal have come to the end.
Two days reindeer breeders of district competed for the right to be the best. Races on the dog teams, national struggle, a threefold jump, jumps through sledge, stick pulling, ski relay race, entertainment races on cervine teams – were that two sated sports days.
Following the results of the second day of competitions in ski relay race to finish of the first command MOP "the Panaevsky", second place has come representatives of settlement Harp have occupied. Sportsmen of the first command from Tazovsky area became the third.
Visitors of Nadym from village Jar-fat became the best каюрами cervine teams: the first, second and third places have accordingly occupied Jacob Hudi, Vasily Serotetto, Vitaly Vanujto. The victory among women was gained by Taisija Vanujto.
In improbably fascinating competition «Nomadic family-2012» of the best the family is recognized Make look slender from the Jar-fat, the second place – at a family of Laptander from Panaevska, the third has got to a family of Poronguj from national village Kutopjugan of Nadym area.
Pavel Harjuchi and Rozy Hatanzeevoj representing at competition Nadym area the family, in unanimous opinion of jury has won a nomination «the Most charming married couple». In a nomination «Mum, the father, I – a national family» wasn't Pjak equal to a family from Purovsky area. The family of Vello from village Nori is recognized the best in a nomination «family Folklore». In a nomination «Patrimonial dynasty» became winners Grigory and Matryona Jadne from Tazovsky area.
At solemn ceremony of closing of traditional competitions on national sports with words of a greeting and congratulations to participants of competitions, to peoples the governor of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region Dmitry Kobylkin has addressed. It also has handed over the main prize - a cup - to winners of competitions to reindeer breeders MOP "Panaevsky".
Dmitry Kobylkin also has handed over awards to prize-winners of the competitions which have taken the second and third places - to reindeer breeders MOP "Jarsalinsky" and Joint-Stock Company "Nydinsky" branches Kutopjugan.
Guests of honor of Nadym and Nadym area, representatives of enforcement authorities JANAO, city and regional administrations, enterprises TeKa, associations «Yamal – to descendants!» To winners in separate sports have handed over diplomas, to a medal, monetary prizes, costly presents, among which generators, TVs, snowmobiles.
Special prize – lassos from the Norwegian visitor Anders Oskala, the director of the international center of reindeer breeding, have been awarded winners in a throwing тынзяна on a trochee. A rough applause peoples addressed which not worse men operated cervine teams and the sledge have led to a victory.
Day of the reindeer breeder is not only heat of wrestling, but also time of creative concerts, cheerful childish sports, celebratory trade, driving on cervine teams, snowmobiles, courts on an air cushion. Interested persons even could jump with a parachute! And the most important thing, Day of the reindeer breeder has presented the moments of friendly dialogue on the hospitable Nadym earth.
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