In Nadym area have chosen the best «the Nomadic family»

In days of carrying out of XV anniversary All-comers competitions of reindeer breeders on the Cup of governor JANAO in Nadym by already developed tradition has passed district competition «Nomadic family». After two competitive days winners were defined. The first place of jury has awarded to George and Oksana Vanujto's family from the Tazovsky area, the second – Vasily and Anastasii Hudi's family from the Yamal area, the third – Ivan and Tamara Tibichi's family from Nadym area.

Also nomadic families competed in seven nominations. A prize of spectator liking Hatazeeva Svelana (Nadym area, Joint-Stock Company "Nydinsky") have been awarded Rokin Vyacheslav. A nomination «Female national clothes» have won Anastas Hudi (the Yamal area), Nadezhda Njadongi (Nadym area, with. Нори) and Serotetto Raisa (the Yamal area). In a nomination «Man's national clothes» Edward Hudi (the Yamal area), Simeon Anagurichi (Nadym area, Joint-Stock Company "Nydinsky") and Vello Victor (Nadym area, Joint-Stock Company "Nydinsky") became winners.

In a nomination «Children's national clothes» the best became Hudi Anastas (the Yamal area) and Anagurichi the Dyne (Nadym area, Joint-Stock Company "Nydinsky"), and also Hatanzeeva Svetlana (Nadym area, Joint-Stock Company "Nydinsky"). In a nomination «family Folklore» a victory Serotetto the Lion (the Yamal area), Multanov Efim (Open Society «СХО Sugmutsko-Pjakutinsky») and Vello Nina (have gained Nadym area, village Nori), Anagurichi Jury (Nadym area, Joint-Stock Company "Nydinsky"). And in a nomination «Female нарта with a harness» juries have noted Tibichi Tamara (Nadym area, a community of "Njadena"), Anagurichi Svetlana (Nadym area of Joint-Stock Company "Nydinsky") and Hudi Valentina (the Yamal area). The most charming married couple recognises Efim's family and Ljubovi Multanovyh (Open Society «SHO Sugmutsko – Pjakutinsky»). All winners and participants of Open regional competition «Nomadic family» have received diplomas and monetary awards.

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