In Nadym for the first time will pass races on the dog teams

In administration of Nadym area organising committee session on preparation and carrying out of XV anniversary all-comers competitions of reindeer breeders on the Cup of the governor of Yamal, devoted to the 80 anniversary of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region has taken place.
Competitions of the Yamal reindeer breeders, as well as in former years, include ski relay race, a threefold national jump, stick pulling, a throwing тынзяна on a trochee, jumps through нарты, national struggle, races on оленьих teams. While the desire to enter struggle for the Cup of governor JANAO have declared eight commands of region: reindeer breeders of Nadym, Tazovsky, Yamal areas, the cities of Muravlenko. Participation of commands from Purovsky, Priuralsky, Shuryshkarsky areas, district capital is planned also.
Except competitions there will pass district competition «Nomadic family», folklorno-ceremonial stylisation of Nenets wedding «Tjuva яля (Wedding day)», competition for girls «the Pearl of Nadym», a meeting of schoolboys with families of aboriginals «Dialogue of cultures», evening-meeting of delegations and visitors of "Hebidja-jalja".
For the first time in Nadym area races on the dog teams will take place. Seven teams will take part in them from villages Nori and Kutopjugana. Besides, from Moscow there comes a national team Russian federation of rideable sports with three teams from six dogs of breeds хаски and маламут. Visitors will spend demonstration starts of northern draught dogs in following disciplines: towage of the skier by a dog, sprint, a forwarding team, transportation of weight a dog.
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