Yamal celebrates Day of the reindeer breeder

Yamal celebrates Day of the reindeer breeder
24 March, in Salekhard will celebrate the Day-breeder's day. The main celebrations take place on the Bank of the River Polyabta and would begin with the inauguration of the 09:00 I International Marathon «Yamalkan snegohodnogo».

Throughout the day there will be competitions on national sports: men's tynzyana on the national triple jump, choree, jumping through the omolon, pulling the sticks, the national struggle.

The brightest of holiday--ledge race will start in 11:30.

In addition, participants will be provided a bright Day-breeder's Day concert program, trade fair as well as competition-competition national dress.

In 18:00 all interested persons can become spectators freestyle snow cross, with the participation of athletes from Sweden, Norway, Finland and the United States, after which there will be a closing ceremony of the day-breeder's day.

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