Preparation of a marathon of "Jamalkan" leaves on a home straight

Preparation of a marathon of "Jamalkan" leaves on a home straight
The snegohodnyj marathon of "Jamalkan" organized with support of the Government of Yamal starts in Salekhard on March, 24th, 2012. Representatives of Russia and abroad will take part in competitions, in particular, from the USA, Norway, Finland and other countries, a command of enterprises TeKa. In total about hundred participants. It is expected that as the guest of honor of competitions there will arrive the quadruple world champion on to an auto racing from Finland – Tommi Mjakinen.

At the disposal of each racer there will be an innovative system of automatic timing and monitoring for control over movement on a line, with display to a card of an Internet site of action. The given technology will be applied for the first time in similar competitions.

Organizers will involve the helicopters equipped with personal television stations which will allow to trace movement of sportsmen on all line in shootings of a marathon. During translation each interested person can vote for the pleasant pilot on an action site. For plan realization, within the next few days, to Salekhard deliver seven tons of the special equipment.

On end of competitions for inhabitants and city visitors it will be shown rajder-show on snowmobiles.

The largest commercial structures have represented itself as partners of competitions, supporting a healthy way of life and sports in Russia demands from which continue to arrive.

Let's remind, participants of a marathon should overcome 230 kilometers of a line on which it is provided three pit stops where mobile groups of mechanics will examine technics.

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