In Salekhard started the III stage of competitions of young hockey players

In Salekhard started the III stage of the All-Russia competitions of young hockey players of club «Gold washer» of A.V.Tarasova and Siberian the federal districts, devoted to memory of the deserved master of sports, double Olympic champion E.D.Mishakova.
The governor of Yamal Dmitry Kobylkin greeted participants and guests of tournament. «Carrying out so significant and popular hockey competition teams from the cities of the Ural and Siberian federal districts will be which participants, became the important and demanded initiative lifting prestige of one of the most popular sports. Besides, tournament is possibility for participants to show the skill and a beautiful team game, to show combative spirit, and for fans – to admire prompt attacks, masterly combinations, to receive a cheerfulness charge», - is told in a greeting of the head of the region. Dmitry Kobylkin wished to children to be strong and courageous, to reach successes in sports, to become worthy successors of traditions of legendary Russian hockey.
For participation in competitions to the district capital of profit of a victorious team of the similar actions which have been carried out in subjects of two federal districts of Russia – Uralsk and Siberian.
In total on tournament six teams will meet: "Sparta" from Zavodoukovsk, HK "Torch" from Belokurikha, "Titan VSMPO" from Top Salda, "Neftekhimservice" from Novokuznetsk, "Tekhnokeramika" from Shadrinsk and Salekhard "Yamal".
Let's note that competitions will be carried out according to official rules of carrying out competitions on the hockey, approved by the international federation of hockey, the Ministry of sports, tourism and youth policy of Russia and the all-Russian public organization «Federation of hockey of Russia».
Within six days participants will fight for a victory in competitions, and today the Yamal team will conduct the first meeting with Shadrinsk "Tekhnokeramika".
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