The Arctic ice in the Yamal capital is ready to the beginning of competitions of young hockey players.

Tomorrow, on November, 25th, in Salekhard starts the international youthful tournament on ice hockey «the Arctic ice», devoted to the 80 anniversary from the date of autonomous region formation.

On a platform of the Ice palace six commands will compete. It is the Moscow CSKA, a command "Neva" from St.-Petersburg, the Belarus command "Youth", Novocheboksarsk "Falcon". Yamal on ice fights will be presented by two commands: "Yamal-2000" and National team YANAO. We will notice that in line-ups players of 2000-2001 of a birth.

Commands will play two subgroups on circular system then will take place matches which will define winners. We will notice that the commands which have taken the first, second and third places, will be awarded by cups, diplomas and medals. Besides, the best player, the best goalkeeper, the best defender and the best goal-scorer will be noted by special prizes.

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