Fighters of Yamal will meet in New Urengoe

In New Urengoe on December, 4th and 5 will pass personally-command superiority of Yamal-Nenets autonomous region on Greco-Roman wrestling among young men of 1994-1997 of a birth on prizes of the Hero of Russia, triple Olympic champion Alexander Karelin. Sport center "Geologist" becomes a platform for carrying out of competitions.

Superiority carrying out became kind tradition, this year tournament passes in the tenth time. In sports action will take part more than hundred sportsmen from district municipal unions. The strongest, according to experts, commands of New Urengoja, Gubkinsky, Noyabrsk and Purovsky area are.

The beginning of competitions – on December, 4th at 10.00, solemn rewarding and closing – on December, 5th at 14.00.

The best sportsmen have a chance to get to a national team of region and to defend honor of Yamal at competitions in Uralsk federal district and at the All-Russia level. On competitions there will be a head coach of national team YANAO on Greco-Roman wrestling Oleg Djushko who will select fighters in a district national team.

It is necessary to notice that last year the command of Purovsky area was winners of Superiority and the owner of the Cup of Karelin, peoples have taken the second place. We will hope that this year fighters also will prove to be adequately.

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