Alexander Karelin will meet the Yamal sportsmen and students

Alexander Karelin will meet the Yamal sportsmen and students
The deputy of State Duma FS of the Russian Federation, the triple Olympic champion on a Graeco-Roman wrestling, the Hero of Russia Alexander Karelin will meet the Yamal sportsmen.

As informs information-analytical management of administration of New Urengoja, meetings with representatives of public organisations, students, labour collectives of establishments of public health services and formation also are planned.

It is necessary to note, Alexander Karelin comes in New Urengoj as the guest of honour already in the fourth time. For the first time he has visited municipal union under the invitation of the mayor in 2002. Then the Olympic champion has taken part in opening of II Open Superiority of a city on a Graeco-Roman wrestling. Besides it, the known sportsman was in New Urengoe in 2004. In 2006 Alexander Aleksandrovich by kind tradition has taken part in opening ceremony of VI Open Superiority on a Graeco-Roman wrestling among young men on prizes of the mayor New Urengoj.

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