In New Urengoe started the Yamal gas forum

In New Urengoe started the Yamal gas forum
As informs information-analytical management of a city administration, action passes in «gas capital» already in the fourth time, in this time it has got the status district, and last years leaves on the international level.

In total Participation in a forum is accepted more than 150 representatives of various municipal unions, the enterprises and the organisations from many regions of Russia, and also Italy, Germany, Finland, by the USA.

For them the extensive program is provided: a seminar-meeting «Ways of realisation of potential of gas deposits ЯНАО», opening of exhibitions «Gas the day before have already taken place. Oil. New technologies","Ecology. Wildlife management. New technologies». Besides, have passed presentations of innovative potential of large centres of science of the Russian Federation, their subjects are rather various: «Reference system« Polar geophysics of Yamal "," the ecological monitoring Program as an information basis of specialised systems for management of preservation of the environment "," Technology of complex influence on oil pools »etc.

For March, 18th and 19 scientifically-practical conferences are planned.

Let's note, closing of the Yamal gas forum will take place on March, 19th, on Friday.

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