School students of Yamal in the final stage of the All-Russia Olympic Games

School students of Yamal in the final stage of the All-Russia Olympic Games
In the current year at the final stage of the All-Russia Olympic Games of school students Yamal will be represented by 28 school students from Noyabrsk, New Urengoy, Salekhard, Nadym, Labytnangi and Tazovsky area which will pass from March 24 to April 29 in 15 cities of Russia.

Let's note that yamalets will take part for the first time in all Olympic Games in 21 general educational subjects. The most talented school students are invited for participation in several Olympic Games. So, the tenth-grader from November high school No. 10 Ivan Schafran will show the knowledge of astronomy and informatics, Svetlana Koshcheeva from a November Gymnasium No. 1 – on French and English to languages, Anna Volchkova from November high comprehensive school No. 6 – on astronomy and physics, Dmitry Tursunov from a Salekhard Gymnasium No. 1 will represent Yamal on the Olympic Games on history and geography.

Also as a part of the Yamal national team on the All-Russia Olympic Games the absolute winner of the final stage of the All-Russia Olympic Games of school students of 2011 in chemistry, the candidate for a national team of the Russian Federation for the international Olympic Games in chemistry – Artem Boychuk will act. Inhabitants of Yamal wish the young fellow countrymen of good luck.

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