On Yamal the Olympic Games on started

On Yamal the Olympic Games on started
In Noyabrsk the regional stage of the All-Russia Olympic Games of schoolboys on health and safety bases has taken place. It was spent in 2 age groups:

  1. Average age group - trained 9 classes;
  2. The senior age group - trained 10-11 classes.

Children from Noyabrsk New Urengoja, Muravlenko, Salekhard, and also Purovsky, Gubkinsky, Krasnoselkupsky, Nadym and Yamal areas, winners and prize-winners of municipal stages of the Olympic Games on ОБЖ have gathered in MOU SOSH № 12 cities of Noyabrsk to reveal the strongest in district. 23 schoolboys and if last year there were only 4 girls in it them already - 10 participated in the Olympic Games. On a level with young men they competed in performance of all tasks.

On Yamal the Olympic Games on started

It was offered to participants of the Olympic Games to pass 2 rounds. In the first day, on January, 20th, participants have carried out theoretical tasks from a course of the school program in subject OBJ.

The second day, on January, 21st, has defined level of readiness of participants in performance of receptions on rendering of the first medical aid by the victim, on a survival in the conditions of environment and on actions in emergency situations. For the senior age group there were still tasks on bases of military service.

For the right answers to participants points were charged, for errors in answers or errors penal points acted in film

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