On Yamal VIII district school of Young programmers which passed in Salekhard

On Yamal VIII district school of Young programmers which passed in Salekhard
On Yamal VIII district school of Young programmers which passed in Salekhard from January, 16 till January, 23rd has finished work.

As the organizer of so unusual action the department of formation of Yamal and regional institute of a development of education have acted.

Let's remind that during the current year on School there have arrived 25 best schoolboys, from them 18 winners and prize-winners of a municipal stage of the All-Russia Olympic Games on computer science from 10 municipal unions of district.

Let's notice that with participants ШЮП skilled teachers worked: Oleg Pestov, the assistant to chair of applied mathematics and computer science of Viatka state humanitarian university, the teacher of computer science of the Kirov physical and mathematical lycée who already in the fourth time has been invited for work in vacation, and Gennady Chistjakov, the teacher of chair of calculus mathematics, the trainer of a student's command on to programming of Viatka state university.

Organizers of action, within five days for participants of vacation School of young programmers were spent the Miniolympic Games where the leaders who have typed the greatest quantity of points at check of the decision on tests, the subsequent analyses of problems were defined, and also at working off of skill of work with testing system which is applied a fourth year during performance check tasks on computer science.

Participation of children in a regional stage of the All-Russia Olympic Games of schoolboys on computer science became a logical result of work of School.

According to organizers, every day, spent, it not only immersing in a subject, but also the sated cultural program: intellectual game «5th element» and evening of acquaintances «At a virtual fire», a marathon of knowledge on computer science, competition «And well, programmers!», individual superiority and command tournament, excursions on district capital, in a museum it. Shemanovsky and visiting of the Prirodno-ethnographic complex in the item of Gornoknjazevsk.

Also during School work the 36-sentry the praktiko-focused seminar for teachers on a problem «Increase of efficiency of carrying out of the regional Olympic Games of schoolboys on computer science» has been organized. Teachers-participants of a seminar have imparted experience with colleagues and have discussed innovative pedagogical approaches to training.

As a result of summarizing by the best pupils of School became Ivan Shafran and Dmitry Glebenkov from Noyabrsk, typed identical quantity of points during individual superiority to which the passing pendant of the best territorial command has been handed over.

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