The Yamal command of "Indigo" KVN has received the invitation in Northern central league.

The Yamal command of "Indigo" KVN has received the invitation in Northern central league.
The Yamal commands have successfully acted in VII open inter-regional festival of KVN «Snow clod» which has taken place from February, 20 till February, 22nd in Nizhnevartovsk (Hunts-Mansijsky autonomous region). "The Indigo" command from Noyabrsk has won Grand prix, and "Siberia" (a national team of Purovsky area) has received the diploma of 1 degree.

As haven'ted in department on youth policy YANAO, Yamal on game has been presented by two more commands – "Catch up" (Salekhard) and "Pleasant" (New Urengoj). They also have pleased spectators with qualitative humour and have got the portion of an applause.

As organizers of festival the department of formation and the youth policy Hunts-Mansijskogo of autonomous region, a district broadcasting company of "Jugra", creative association «АМиК» and district youth public organization «Northern league of KVN» have acted. In total 14 commands which overall objectives were not only prize-winning places, but also invitation reception during the basic season of "Northern central league MS of KVN» which games will begin in April have taken part in festival. Under the jury decision, the invitation was received by only two commands – Yamal "Indigo" and югорская «the National team of Nizhnevartovsk» (the owner of the diploma of 2 degrees).

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